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After Implant Placement

Woman showing off her new implant smile while enjoying the outdoorsDental implants provide our patients with a fantastic option in replacing missing teeth. Implant treatment is more than placing a new tooth; it involves reconstructing the tooth from the root. During your consultation, our staff at Drs. Miller & Beitz Implants and Periodontics of Richmond will walk you through the steps and we can answer questions all along the way, including what to expect following surgical placement.

The process of restoring missing teeth with implants can be considered in three main parts: preparation, placement, and post placement. Each component requires special consideration - the first two by our specialized team, and the last component, or the healing process, requires consideration by the patient. Your body will require time to heal. We will discuss the healing phase with you, and what you should and should not do after implant placement.

We will provide you with careful care instructions following your surgical procedure. We ask that you follow these instructions and inform us of anything unusual. If anything seems alarming, we ask that you seek medical attention immediately from the nearest treatment facility.

What to Expect After Implant Placement

To place the implant, cuts are made in both your soft gum tissue and in your hard bone tissue. Following surgery you will be more aware of the gum tissue healing because it is visible. Gum tissue should heal rather quickly, in a matter of days. The part you can't see, the bone tissue, takes much longer to heal. Bone healing includes the growth of new bone and that can take months.

There are conditions that can limit timely healing. We will review these conditions prior to surgery, but should still be considered following surgery. This includes smoking cigarettes or marijuana, diabetes, some medications and more. We ask that you discuss all medical conditions and medications with us prior to surgery, even if it seems irrelevant.

The dental implant is designed to capture a large amount of bone material. The implant is a titanium or ceramic post with a threaded end that is sunk into the bone. As your bone heals, it will grow around the threads fusing the two together. Care directions may differ depending on the implant being used and where it is being used. In general, we advise patients to use caution until the fusing of the bone and implant occurs. This includes:
•  Eat Soft Foods: Eating soft foods while your implant and bone are healing is best. Anything jarring could disturb or disrupt the healing process.
•  Use Caution When Brushing: You will want to keep the area clean and clear of bacteria as best as possible. Infection is a possibility in the healing process and we want to avoid it as best as possible. We will advise you to continue brushing with caution to keep the surgical site free of debris and plaque.
•  Don't Disturb the Site: Be cautious to not disturb the site. This includes not rubbing your tongue on the surgical site, or putting non-edible things in your mouth such as pens, pencils and more. We want the site to heal and jarring the implant could be problematic.

If you have any other questions regarding the care of your new dental implant, please call Drs. Miller & Beitz Implants and Periodontics of Richmond today at (804) 285-4867.
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(804) 285-4867



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